
I have recently fallen in love with everything vintage and antique. I love driving to Rockford and Buffalo each month for their Occasional Vintage & Antique Sales at various shops. Although I haven't bought much yet, these shops have opened up a world of possibilities for me. I'm still quite overwhelmed by it all but so excited to continue to explore and possibly open my own shop some day or at the very least just sell a few things here and there.

I also love photography and have finally invested in a very fancy camera that I plan to use a lot! I'm still new at it and hope to take a class to learn more. In the meantime I'll fiddle and have fun and see where it leads me.

A little more about me:
I moved from California to Minnesota a year ago. I already know what you're thinking! What the heck am I doing here if I grew up there?!?! Well, it's simple really. I met someone who I really enjoy being around and I moved here to be with him. It's been a hard journey so far and I really miss home, especially since my sister just had a baby and I'm missing watching my beautiful niece grow up. But it's a good change for me. At least I think it's good. Don't worry though; I do plan on moving back. My boyfriend's youngest, who's 13, needs to turn 18 before we can say goodbye to crappy weather and hello to sunny days year round. That's 5 years in case you weren't counting. Ugh, 5 more years!! Okay focus…so that's my story. In the meantime I'll be figuring out ways to occupy my time and create fun stuff when I'm not stuck at a desk for eight hours a day.